
Keeping your financial records in order is hugely important to the success of your business. Not only does it keep you up-to-date on your profits and losses, but legally speaking, it’s necessary to have your records straight. It makes the close of your fiscal year easy to execute by ensuring that all of your required…

Downloading transactions into QuickBooks Online is the easy part. You still have work to do once they’re on board.

Making regular backups of your QuickBooks company file and related files is very important. Preparing a backup plan and making sure it is being followed regularly is essential for protecting your valuable data.

Sales tax is one of the more complicated concepts supported by QuickBooks Online.

It’s important to maintain good relationships with your vendors and suppliers. QuickBooks helps you track your interaction with them.

Here’s how they work. Click Statements on the home page, or open the Customers menu and select Create Statements. A window like this will open:

Whether you’re getting a vendor credit for a refund or a return, you can record it in QuickBooks Online. Here’s how.

When you want to document sales that you can’t (or won’t) fulfill immediately, but you plan to do so in the future, you can’t create an invoice just yet. This is where sales orders come in.

QuickBooks Online Training, Tips, Tricks & Product Consultation.

COMPLIMENTARY EBOOK PROVIDED BY AVIDXCHANGE Whas Inside It’s hard to believe, but we’re heading into year-end already for 2017. It’s tempting to hold off on implementing new technologies before the end of the year, but automating your invoice and payment processes before 2018 will create so many amazing benefits for you and your team in…

EBOOK: END OF YEAR SURVIVAL GUIDE Whas Inside We want to make sure that you not only survive, but thrive, during year-end. This guide includes advice from industry thought-leaders, AvidXchange’s AP team, and from our customers. As you close out 2017, we want to make sure that you’re armed with tips and tricks to help…

Online banking may get all the headlines, but a lot of small businesses still prefer paper checks. QuickBooks can accommodate them. “I don’t write checks anymore,” you hear a lot of people say these days. Debit cards, smartphone payment apps, and online banking have replaced the old paper checkbook for a lot of consumers. That’s…
Happy Customer Voices

Laura has been a phenomenal asset to me and my business. Being a brand new franchise business owner, the financial side was all foreign to me. Laura took extra time and care with me through the entire process. She attended more than one meeting with my team so we could go over the numbers together. I truly can’t say enough about how much she has helped me.