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Out Of The Box Technology Blog
Use QuickBooks Custom Fields to Improve Insight

Learn how to use custom fields in QuickBooks to better organize your records.

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Out Of The Box Technology Blog
Setting Up User Access in QuickBooks

Will multiple employees be working with your QuickBooks company file? You’ll need to define their permission levels.

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Setting Up Settings in QuickBooks Online

Set yourself up for success by properly setting up your company’s QuickBook Settings. Settings lay the foundation to how your company uses QuickBooks.

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What Are Payroll Items in QuickBooks?

If you plan to process your own payroll using QuickBooks, you need to understand how payroll items work.

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What Are Important Tax Deadlines and Quarterly/Year-End Dates I Should Know? To start, each of the four quarters are broken into three-month periods - whose dates will be the following: Quarter 1 (Q1): January 1 - March 31 Quarter 2 (Q2): April 1 - June 30 Quarter 3 (Q3): July 1 - September 30 Quarter 4 (Q4): October 1 - December 31 The end dates, noted above. are the last days for each of the respective quarters. As you see below, as well, there is a list of forms you'll want to keep in mind - for the forms you'll submit throughout the process. If you want to "freeze frame," simply click on the image, and you'll be taken to the corresponding video, to take down the necessary dates to keep in mind.
The fine art of sales tax — and vice versa

  In 2015, fine art sales amounted to a whopping $63.8 billion.  While this is nearly 5 billion dollars less than the art market’s all-time high in 2014, visual art is still a big business.  Art sales pose interesting problems for sales taxation.  Some of those problems boil down to that most eternal of questions:…

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More States Dare to Mess with Nexus

$24 billion. That’s the amount of uncollected sales tax from ecommerce retail sales at last count. Those billions of dollars are a powerful motivator for U.S. states who are collectively facing $19 billion in budget shortfalls over the next 18 months. As states get more concerned (and creative) about revenue sources, they’re turning their attention…

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Hit the books! Back-to-school starts now for retailers

The sprint to the end of the school year is underway. Students are working to finish assignments and prepare for exams while keeping one eye glued to the calendar: three weeks left; then one; summer! Most kids will be happy to close the books and not think about the upcoming school year for two months….

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These days, some of us find ourselves updating multiple calendars. There's the Outlook calendar or other web-based solution for scheduling and task management. Or, maybe a smartphone app to track a "to-do" on the road with a paper calendar as backup. But where do you keep track of your everyday financial tasks? Including these in your scheduling calendars and/or task lists will make for very crowded screens, not to mention how inconvenient it can be to keep switching between applications. Consider adding one more tracking tool: the QuickBooks Calendar.
Business execs weigh in: sales tax automation is a must for scale, growth

sales tax automation is a must for scale, growth

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what legal entity chosen for your business may determine how much you may owe or not owe to the irs
Why You Should Use QuickBooks Snapshots

QuickBooks provides multiple ways to get information about your customers, and their payments, and your company itself. The software’s Snapshots provide quick, thorough overviews.

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Understanding Consumer Use Tax Compliance

Sales Tax Compliance within QuickBooks

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Work Smart, Not Hard: 9 Signs that It Might Be Time for a CRM

We’ve all heard of the saying “work smart, not hard”.  But when it comes to managing your entire organization, how does your company work?  Many small businesses have decided to “work smart” by capitalizing on their current business relationships and better managing their sales, projects and billing by making an investment in an integrated CRM (Customer…

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Out with the Old, Win with the New

We’re just a few months into the new year, so millions of people have already made New Year’s Resolutions that they’ve sworn they’re going to keep in order to make this a great year. And by now they’ve hopelessly broken them and returned to their old habits.

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Happy Customer Voices

Naomi Baba

Owner of Shine Wellness Clinic

Laura has been a phenomenal asset to me and my business. Being a brand new franchise business owner, the financial side was all foreign to me. Laura took extra time and care with me through the entire process. She attended more than one meeting with my team so we could go over the numbers together. I truly can’t say enough about how much she has helped me.

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